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RGLAB 2024: Towards a Revolution of the User Experience in the Age of "Spatial Computing"
InnoDay: a day to discover all of France Télévisions' innovations
Next-Generation Media: Meta-Media's trend book for understanding the impact of generative AI on information
"Fact checking : Trends & patterns", the major study carried out by France Télévisions
Authenticating what we see to better give what to see: this is the ambition of a new fact-checking tool
France Télévisions will be at SATIS exhibition!
The FIT Show: Manufacturing - Inspiring - Transforming at France Télévisions
A remarkable participation of France Télévisions to the SATIS !
Lend us your acting talents!
EBU talks about France Télévisions' work on artificial intelligence
The automatic semantics of images
France Télévisions is taking its technological transformation forward with Capgemini and Perfect Memory
Augmented tennis at Roland-Garros 2020, technical aspects
EBU 2020 Innovation Award for France tv
Big data, a partnership between France Télévisions and the Centralesupélec digital lab